Information for foreign nationals who want to build in Serbia.

The process of obtaining a Building permit

The procedure

The building permit is issued by the municipality on whose territory the construction is planned, but the entire procedure is carried out through the “Centralna evidencija objedinjene procedure”, the so-called “Ceop”. All documentation is submitted to the competent authorities electronically. However, the road to obtaining a building permit is longer and we advise clients to be patient and count on about half a year of waiting.

The process from the first idea to the registration of the completed object in the Cadastre consists of several steps:

1. LOcation information

The first step in the process of obtaining permits is the Location Information issued by the municipality and which can be requested by anyone for any plot in the territory of Serbia. This document states the basic data and criteria for construction, such as: the possible purpose of the building, the maximum number of floors, etc., which derive from the urban planning documents adopted for that region. Therefore, the basic information you bring to your chosen architect, in addition to your wishes and vision, is also Location Information.

2. Architect

To create the projects required to obtain a building permit, you must hire an architectural engineer with a Responsible designer’s license (number 300). The practice is to sign a contract with the architect (it is not necessary, but we recommend it) in which you clearly state the scope of work you are looking for and the obligations of the contracting parties.

If you want an architect to lead the process of obtaining permits through Ceop, you need to sign a power of attorney authorizing him to do so.

What do you discuss next with the architect?

Each building is a very complex structure. For its the design, function and stability several engineers of different professions are responsible: civil engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, surveyors and depending on the complexity: traffic engineers, technology engineers, etc. The architect, however, is responsible for the functioning of all building systems and the compatibility of all projects. That is why it is necessary to discuss all aspects of your future building with the architect: function and square footage, budget, construction, materials, installations, landscaping, everything.

You agree with the architect on the involvement of other engineers. Generally, the price that the architect gives you includes everything you agree on, because architects have their own network of associates and an already established team, but if you have your own engineer of some profession, who has a license, you can hire him from your side, but his project must definitely be submitted to the architect for compatibility and obtaining permission, as all projects are submitted as one item.

3. Katastarsko topografski plan - KTP

To start the process of obtaining a permit, you must hire a surveyor to make a Katastarsko-topografski plan of your plot. KTP is the base for the development of the project.

4. Draft (Idejno rešenje - IDR)

The Draft is created by the architect. (There are situations when it is necessary to include other professions for consultation at this stage, but then we are dealing with large and really complex objects and engineering structures). The Draft is a series of descriptions and drawings that let the competent authority (municipality) know what you are going to build. This project requires the issuance of Lokacijski uslovi.

This step may take some time, because those responsible for your case submit requests for conditions to other institutions (instead of you): Electricity distribution, Water supply, Cadastre, and the time of obtaining Lokacijski uslovi depends on the speed of response of these institutions.

Of course, from the beginning, be prepared to pay taxes, not only to the municipality, but also to all other institutions. The architect or attorney handling your case at Ceop will inform you of the payment that will arrive.

Be prompt in paying your fees, because payment deadlines are 24 hours or 1 business day.

It is very important to know that what you define with the Draft and what you get the Lokacijski uslovi for, you can no longer change in the Project foir building permit. If there is a change due to which the conceptual solution no longer meets the requirements of the client or the location, it is possible to change the location conditions, with all additional payments.

5. Lokacijski uslovi

In the Lokacijski uslovi, you will receive conditions for construction on your plot (mandatory criteria that the project must meet: distances from the borders of the plot and neighboring buildings, level and index of construction, percentage of green areas, parking conditions, access, etc.), a copy of the plan, conditions for connection to the electrical distribution network, conditions for connection to the water supply and sewerage network, conditions for waste disposal, etc. (depending on the complexity of the building and location).

Based on the Lokacijski uslovi and the Draft (which is an integral part of the Lokacijski uslovi), the Project for the building permit is drawn up. The Lokacijski uslovi cease to be valid if the investor does not apply for a building permit within 2 years.

Note: Based on the Lokacijski uslovi, construction of the building cannot be started. Do not rush!

6. Project for building permit - PGD

Up to this point the procedure is very similar for most buildings. Starting with the Lokacijski uslovi the process becomes more complex and different for different categories of buildings. There are four categories: Category A – undemanding buildings, Category B – less demanding buildings, Category V – demanding buildings and Category G – engineering facilities

For buildings of category A (ancillary buildings and residential buildings up to 400 m2 gross area, for example) only an Architectural project and An Energy efficiency analysis are required.

For buildings of category B (e.g. residential buildings up to 2000 m2 and 4 floors), an Architectural project, an Energy efficiency analysis, a Construction project and descriptions of installations certified by engineers of the given professions are necessary.

For objects of category V, Architecture projects, Construction projects, Projects of all installations, as well as additional projects depending on the case (e.g. project of securing the foundation pit, traffic project, etc.) are made.

Category G facilities have their own additional regulations.

Depending on the municipality and location, the Lokacijski uslovi may stipulate the obligation to prepare a Geomechanics survey and/or a Fire protection analysis.

For certain smaller, auxiliary or temporary buildings, the Project for a building permit is not done, but the Conceptual Project (Idejni projekat-IDP), because such buildings require a Construction Approval. The Conceptual project contains only Architecture project.

7. Building permit

Here we are!

Now that you have received the Building permit, you can register the works and start construction. The Building permit ceases to be valid if the works are not registered within 3 years from the date of validity, ie if a Use permit is not issued within 5 years from the date of validity. This second condition does not apply to family residential buildings that the investor builds in order to solve his own housing issue.

8. After the Building permit

With the start date validity of the Building permit, you enter the adventure of constructing your building. In order to start construction, you are obliged to report the start of work at least 8 days before the actual start. On this occasion, you pay the fee for the Uređenje građevinskog zemljišta. Your obligations as an investor during the execution of works are as follows:

… To start the works, you should have a contract with the Contractor, ensure professional supervision and properly mark the construction site.

… To hire the surveyor to mark regulation lines (lines separating plots), construction lines (lines within which construction is allowed on the plot) and to accurately place the object on the plot.

… To submit a report to the competent authority about the completion of foundation construction, for which a geodetic survey of the completed foundations is attached.

… To submit to the competent authority a report on the completion of the building construction, for which a photograph of the building is attached.

9. Detailed project for execution of work (Projekat za izvođenje - PZI)

The Detailed project is prepared for the needs of the construction site and it can be made in stages, that is, in parts, in accordance with the dynamics of the construction, that is, the execution of the works.

The Detailed project is mandatory for the construction of buildings for which a Building permit has been obtained, except for buildings of category “A”.

The Detailed project is not submitted to any institution. It elaborates the details and technological solutions that are determined by the Project for building permit and stands on the construction site.

10. Project of the finished building (Projekat izvedenog objekta - PIO)

When the works are finished (rough works, facade works, interior, sanitary facilities, fences) it is time to submit the Application for a Use permit. For the purposes of this request, the Project of the finished building is prepared, which confirms the real situation on the ground. After the technical acceptance of the building has been carried out by the committee, you can get a Use permit with which you register the right of ownership in the Cadastre.

You start the procedure for connection to communal and other infrastructure by submitting a request to the given authorities.